Discover This Cutting Edge Simple Method That DRAMATICALLY Reduces and Eradicates Sleep Problems.

Learn How To Completely Transform The Quality Of Your Sleep

4 Steps To Blissful Sleep Program

With Ruth Stern,MA

YES!  I'm Ready To Sleep Now!   Click Here!

Does this sound like you?

  • Do you ever have trouble going to sleep?
  • Do you ever have trouble staying asleep?
  • Do you experience erratic sleep for any reason? Nights of tossing and turning, staring at the ceiling?
  • Have you tried different things (read a book... watch TV...meditating etc.) to resolve your insomnia and nothing has worked?

My Journey To Heal Insomnia

When I was 35 years, I was pregnant with my daughter and in a very bad marriage filled with constant arguing and emotional abuse. That is when my sleep problems began. I went to a psychologist who gave me some meditations which didn't help. I was also convinced that my sleep problems were to due the hormone changes in my body with the pregnancy, but supplements did not help at all. My beautiful daughter was born months later. But I still continued to have severe insomnia. I wasn't able to stay asleep. I averaged 3-4 hours a night and this continued for next 2 years.

So, I believed my insomnia was due to the tumultous relationship I was in, and finally left him (not just for the insomnia🤔). I moved out with my daughter and I still didn't sleep. And for many years, I tried everything. Natural supplements, prescribed cortisol supplements from a physician,,,,I went to name it, I tried it.

I Tried Everything and Nothing Worked!

I became so desperate that I got a prescription for Clonopin (a very addictive medicine) which worked sporadically. And within a year I was addicted to that and it rarely worked. I woke up in the mornings groggy and foggy. So at this point I wasn't sleeping for over 19 years and addicted to Clonopin. I was a mess physically and miserable from not sleeping.

I met someone in a seminar I was attending who told me about EFT - also called Tapping. It really sounded too good to be true, but I was curious about a technique that was natural and based on principles of healing energetically. I watched all the DVD's and watched Gary Craig help all kinds of people on stage with conditions like PTSD, anxiety, pannic disorder, phobias and more. I was fascinated and started to use the technique with my clients (I am a mental health therapist). What started to happen was quite amazing. I started to get very rapid results with my clients with all kinds of issues. This simple yet powerful technique was helping my clients get very rapid results.

What started to happen was amazing. I started to get very rapid results with my clients...

Then I decided to use Tapping with my insomnia. I was still doubtful as nothing else had worked. But, I was determined to do anything to fix this problem and have a quality life. I made a deal with myself to do the tapping every day for 30 days. I didn't see results the first week, but I followed through with my commitment. In week 2, I started to feel my body get calmer as I tapped at night and for the first time in the 8 years that I tried to get off Clonopin; I was able to chip off a piece of the drug. My goal was to get off all meds and sleep like a normal person (*Important. You Must consult with your physician if you are wanting to do this) Within a few weeks, I was on my way to be without meds every other day. This was remarkable as nothing else worked before.

It didn't take 30 days to heal insomnia. It took about 45 days.

It took 45 days to heal 19 years of insomnia. That was beyond REMARKABLE to me!

Even as I write this now, I am still in awe of what happened with one simple technique! And that is why I created this program. Because I know first hand how not sleeping can wreck your life. And I know how to heal it!

So that is my wish for you. To heal from insomina, and get your life back, your joy and energy back! You deserve the Gift of Sleep!

With love and deep gratitude...

Ruth Stern

EFT Is A Revolutionary Form Of Acupuncture To Transform All Your Sleep Problems!

🔆This simple method takes minutes to create a great nights sleep

🔆 EFT helps release all the negative emotions that feed your sleep problems

 đź”†You’re not just treating the symptom – you are solving the underyling problem that prevents you from sleeping

 đź”†You will gain increased inner peace

 đź”†EFT dramatically reduces stress and anxiety

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine that believes there are 12 meridians that move throughout the body that brings energy to all the organs in the body. In acupuncture; needles are used to unblock the energy and restore health.

With EFT, instead of using needles, you stimulate certain energy/meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips while you tune into your particular issue. By restoring the balance of the energy system, we are also neutralizing and dissolving negative emotions. With EFT, you are harmonizing the energetic system which heals both physical and emotional pain. When your mind and body are aligned and balanced, you will sleep easier.

You will learn the exact method I used to solve your sleep problems!

In The 4 Steps To Blissful Sleep Program you will discover:

1. The critical pillars of sleep hygiene – simple actions you can take immediately

2. How to release negative emotions quickly to improve your emotional state and well-being. The EFT/Tapping technique is your key to success

3. The special “tapping method” to go to sleep and stay asleep

4. Participate in meditations to enhance your deep sleep

All you do is click the buttons in your DVD program (or use the downloadable mp3's), listen and tap on the meridian points. For a few minutes every day, you tap on stress and complete your evening tapping for sleep. Your insomnia will begin to melt away quickly. I love simple methods. And I love EFT because IT WORKS.


There are even more benefits you’ll receive with this program...

As you balance your energetic system you will have:

 Improved energy..Increased zest lfe...More motivation to do things...Enery to exercise... Better overall mood...Better health...Less stress...You get YOU back!!

4 Steps To Blissful Sleep DVD Program plus 12 MP3 Supplements

You will receive the DVD program which includes:

âś…The complete 4 step system to go to sleep and stay asleep

✅Menu for the key emotions – all you do is press the button and choose the feeling and tap on the meridian points for quick relief

âś…A special nighttime insomnia tapping which takes minutes to do before sleep

âś…Meditations for inner peace, rest and sleep

Plus 12 MP3’s which include:

They are the specific tappings to assist to sleep and heal negative or stressful emotions. You can download this to your computer, phone, iPad, MP3 player, which means you can take this wherever you go. Now you have all the “tapping processes” ready to go.

 I’ve also added a few extra Bonus tappings that are not included on the DVD.

DVD program Plus the 12 MP3′s 

The Total Value of this Program: $350

Your Total Investment: $77

Yes! Send Me The Blissful Sleep Program

What Others Are Saying...

I had insomnia for over 30 years. I started working with Ruth one year ago. She skillfully taught me the Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping and shared an assortment of tools to use to address my sleep issues. I diligently followed her lead. I am ecstatic to report I am now getting a normal amount of sleep, the first time in 30 years!!. I am so grateful for Ruth's direction. She is amazing!!!

Laurie Hittman

I am absolutely stunned how I have slept. I have tried everything. What a God send you are. Thanks so much.

Cathy L. Tigges, CTACC


Your insomnia tapping has been so beneficial…after one session, I found my sleep was deeper and longer than usual. What a great result since I didn’t think it would apply to me...

Hillary S.

For the last 19 years, after being diagnosed with PTSD, I suffered, and I do mean suffered with Insomnia. I tried prescription medication, they eventually stopped working. Then I went to over the counter sleeping meds. They left me tired all morning, and feeling spacey…. Then…I began using Ruth Stern’s Insomnia DVD. First 2 nights I slept for a few hours, woke up early, then Night #3….a MIRACLE. I slept 7 hours straight!! No wake up to use the ladies room, just pure wonderful sleep. I told myself that day…I am on to something! Again, Night 4….another 7 hours, Night 5….another 7 hours. It’s now Night 9 and I’m sleeping like a baby! …. I am no longer an Insomnia sufferer. Bliss! Thank you, Ruth, Thank you!! 

Marny Minarsch

Through your DVD and with your personal counseling I am sleeping well and slowly cutting down on my meds. It's a new and happy life. You are without a doubt the most effective and important part of my recovery. I still use your tapping tape multiple times a week but amazingly fall asleep without it the majority of times. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Sheila Nay

Because I’m confident that you will find the 4 Steps To Blissful Sleep Program, so effective to overcome your sleep problems; I’m offering you the following peace of mind guarantee: If, within 30 days (from the time of purchase) you don't think this program is worth your investment, mail back your DVD program and I will give you a prompt and courteous refund your text in this area

Your about to learn a life changing and sleep changing technique that is so simple and yet so profound!

May you have great sleep and joy in your life!